Thursday, November 18, 2021

Product Tinkerkad Designs - Jessica Morrow


iPhone 11 Pro Animated Moving Cover Product Models

[Title of Product is Still In Progress]

View 1 (3-4 View of Front and Back Sides)
View 2 (3/4 Back Side View) 
View 3 (3-4 Front Side View)

View 4 (Top View of Front and Backsides)

Product Explanation:

    These images above are of my product design, which are phone covers for iPhone 11 Pro. However, unlike normal ones, these ones are made of great plastics that give it great protection for the phone. This ensures that the cover will not break so easily like most covers tend to do. 

The big appeal however to it is that the covers themselves can move and animate. The black think button on top, when you press it, will change the cover from the normal blue or purple tinted glass to one of these covers:

[This one above is an image I myself drew]

These images will be animating on your phone and can even glow in the dark.

This image above is the box layout design for the packaging of the iPhone 11 Cover. There is more detail to be added, but there is labels to show how you would view each panel and its importance.

More must be done on this project. 



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