Wednesday, November 17, 2021

3D Model Design of Final Project - Allesandra Stewart

 I am still finalizing my 2D packaging layout as what I want to accomplish with it hasn't been done in this way in this scale before (as far as I have been able to locate). I have literally printed and made it 8 different times now, constantly making small adjustments to make sure the ring fits in the box and opens the way I am wanting it to with the ring twisting out of the box like a popup book. I have found two different youtube videos that have been helpful on how to design it, but both are vastly different shapes than what I am trying to do. SO, that being said I am hoping to hammer the packaging measurements out this weekend and share that with you all.

For my project, the part I wanted to focus on WAS the packaging and not so much the product, as my thought was you could put any ring inside the box. But I did design a ring in tinkercad which took me forever, but I am decently proud of it. Once I make the 3D replica of the box I plan on just using my own wedding band inside of it rather than trying to replicate the tinkercad design as well.

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