Monday, November 8, 2021

Final Project Idea

 For my final project, I was thinking of designing a band/ring that functions as somewhat of a form of identification. It would have a chip either underneath the gem or inside the ring itself, or even inside a little indent in the band part where it locks in. The ring is still entirely customizable to the wearer.

The chip would be recognized on any scannable identification spot, such as a door for different facilities (ie. hospital or lab). Another way is for general identification, like at an airport or other places that require it. You could scan the ring on a scannable device or pad, and a software would pull up all information linked with the chip, including a picture of the wearer (hopefully, I thought of including the picture pulling up in case someone stole the ring and tried to use it), date of birth, and other required information. It would be more convenient than having to pull out a badge from your pocket to swipe on a door at where you work, and it still functions as a normal ring/band, being fully customizable and tailored to the wearer.

This is just a rough idea I have, and can still be changed in any way or scrapped if needed.

I apologize if the image is a little blurry, my phone isn't always the best at taking pictures.

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