Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Jessica Morrow Box Design


iPhone 11 Pro Animating Phone Case Box Designs

Box Design

Box Design Sheet

This is my box design for my iPhone 11 Pro Animating Phone Case

As mentioned on the piece, the scaling of the box is a 1:3 versus the actual Tinkerkad design

This was done so I could print out the piece in a paper that could fold the panels and form the box properly.

The scaling is then 1/3 of the size of the model made in Tinkerkad.

Monday, November 29, 2021

End of Semester Checklist

Please have your Final Portfolios Posted no later than December 6th in order for me to get grades completed. I will go over how to make your work shine in portfolio form this Wednesday. 

Your final portfolio should include:
All work from Midterm portfolio as well as all work completed for your final product design including packaging and promotion. You may also include sketches and renderings that were part of your creative process. Please email me with questions. 

Friday, November 26, 2021

Hmong Box design

     I was interested in doing a packaging design that slides out from the outer box. You can have a design on the outside of the box and a secret design on the inside. 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Product Packaging - Keiran Olewnik

For the box design, I'm planning on having something similar to a standard ring box, where it has a little cushion inside that the ring sits in, and if it was an actual packaging for a new product/if I had the materials to make it like the box, it would look similar to the picture of the box I included, but square instead of rectangular. I also think it would be nice if people could include custom text inside the box. All of this is still customizable, and left up to the customer for what they want as far as text goes, if they want it at all.

I do apologize for this being posted a little late. I got caught up over the weekend, having 2 Eagle Court of Honors to go to, my friend's and my own.


Product Packaging - Allesandra

 Before I started drawing out the design on the box I really needed to hammer out my box design to the exact measurement and it took me ALL weekend but I finally got the measurements right. (IT TOOK FOREVER). Making pop-up type stuff is hard, I've never really considered it before this project. Now that I have the exact measurements set I will draw my design on top and update on that shortly.

Atomic Ring 3d Model: Made in Blender Redone


Box Design - Chad Doss


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Product Tinkerkad Designs - Jessica Morrow


iPhone 11 Pro Animated Moving Cover Product Models

[Title of Product is Still In Progress]

View 1 (3-4 View of Front and Back Sides)
View 2 (3/4 Back Side View) 
View 3 (3-4 Front Side View)

View 4 (Top View of Front and Backsides)

Product Explanation:

    These images above are of my product design, which are phone covers for iPhone 11 Pro. However, unlike normal ones, these ones are made of great plastics that give it great protection for the phone. This ensures that the cover will not break so easily like most covers tend to do. 

The big appeal however to it is that the covers themselves can move and animate. The black think button on top, when you press it, will change the cover from the normal blue or purple tinted glass to one of these covers:

[This one above is an image I myself drew]

These images will be animating on your phone and can even glow in the dark.

This image above is the box layout design for the packaging of the iPhone 11 Cover. There is more detail to be added, but there is labels to show how you would view each panel and its importance.

More must be done on this project. 



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hmong Earrings 3d rendering (Draft design)


Design for Product - Keiran Olewnik

 Both of these are very simple, just to display the basics of what the ring/band would look like for people interested in buying one. People can then picture their own customizations on the band/ring and take it from there. Both the ring and band have a small black box in them which indicates roughly where the chip would go. For the ring, it would be on the other side of the plate, hidden in between the gem and the base of the top.

Box Layout Predesign


3D Model-Abigail Hammitt

Packaging Mockup-Abigail Hammitt


3D Model Design: Abbey Hawley


Erin West- Ring 3D model

 Although the design is very simple, I made it in a way that the chip of the card could look like a green emerald on top of the ring. 

3D Model Design of Final Project - Allesandra Stewart

 I am still finalizing my 2D packaging layout as what I want to accomplish with it hasn't been done in this way in this scale before (as far as I have been able to locate). I have literally printed and made it 8 different times now, constantly making small adjustments to make sure the ring fits in the box and opens the way I am wanting it to with the ring twisting out of the box like a popup book. I have found two different youtube videos that have been helpful on how to design it, but both are vastly different shapes than what I am trying to do. SO, that being said I am hoping to hammer the packaging measurements out this weekend and share that with you all.

For my project, the part I wanted to focus on WAS the packaging and not so much the product, as my thought was you could put any ring inside the box. But I did design a ring in tinkercad which took me forever, but I am decently proud of it. Once I make the 3D replica of the box I plan on just using my own wedding band inside of it rather than trying to replicate the tinkercad design as well.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Chad Doss GIF


Erin West- Box Design

 My concept of the box would be to make it look like a lock, that way it implies how "secure" the technology is. I want to add a charm hanging off the box as well because charms draw in more people's attention.