Friday, January 27, 2023

Update _ Computer Art

Here are some helpful resources that will review some of the topics covered in class.

The orientation found under help in photoshop has a great overview and introduction to the program and tools. See the above image.

Create your 3.5" x 2.5" trading card at a 300dpi in photoshop. Use layers, custom brushes, color blending modes, photos, and illustrations to complete your design. You can also download and install brushes from  

Your trading car can be fantasy, sports, humorous, superhero, or any other theme you want to explore. Remember to consider your elements of art and principles of design when creating your layout. We will look at your work on Wednesday Feb 1st. Have your work posted to the blog as a .jpg. 

Use keyboard shortcuts in your workflow >>> Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts
Add typography to your work using the type tool and download additional fonts at 

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