Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Final Portfolio - Jessica Morrow

 Final Portfolio

Jessica Morrow

Digital Art Pieces


The Two Suns


The One Above All

Digital Art Pieces With Collage

Distant Mystery

Red Memories

Curious Splatter

Unknown Smokes

Currency Project

Top: Front of Hukai Bill
Bottom: Back of Hukai Bill

Tinkerkad House Design

General View

General View 2

Front View

Top View

Final Project: iPhone 11 Pro Animated Cover Case

Firan Ani-Designs

Brainstorming Ideas:

Project was to design either a jewelry piece, iPhone piece or any other small accessory and advertise it. 

Option 1

Option 2

Option 2 was chosen

Idea: iPhone 11 Pro Animated Cover Case

Idea Explained:
The Idea I came up with was a iPhone 11 Pro Phone Case that would be made of great fibers and plastics to make it much more protective than life proof cases. This case would be great at protecting the phone from water, contact, and electrical damages. 

However, the biggest pitch to the cover is not just the protection. On the back of the case, you will be able to animate images on the back using the thin black circular button. 

It will animate the background, either from the ones available or any that you properly put into the app. It will animate it while still protecting your phone and will require no assembly!

Images Available Initially for Animating Background Use

This One above is a personal designed piece in Clip Studio Paint Pro

*Images are not limited to these


Next step was to measure out, using my own iPhone 11 Pro, the dimensions of the iPhone 11 Pro. This would include the overall size, the curvature around the corners of the phone, button sizes and placement in regards to others and overall measurements of the phone and of an existent protective iPhone 11 Pro Cover. 

Next, this was used to design a model in Tinkerkad to show the cover and pieces of it.

iPhone 11 Pro Cover Model

Back View

General View of the Front and Back Sides [Left=Front, Right=Back]

General View 2

Top View of Front and Back


General View (Front Part)

General View (Back Part)


As previously mentioned, the measurements from the iPhone 11 Pro I own was used in designing the model for the case and used in tinkerkad. I wrote down all of these in notes to keep up with the exact dimensions. However, in designing a box cover for the packaging design for the product, I realized I was not able to print it out in the full size. So I converted the sizes to 1/3 of the measured for the design of the box, as shown below

Packaging Box Design

This was a work in progress of the box design, halfway through progress

Final Box Design

Final Box Design [Printed]
[Printed on a Typical Print Paper]

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