Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book cover assets

Click here to download the files for the book cover project»»»

Included you will find the template and synopsis for the book cover project

»»»»Route 66 meanders from Chicago to Los Angeles, or at least it
used to before the modern Interstate system absorbed a lot of it
and the remaining portions were broken into stretches like old dried
In Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California there are
still long and scenic stretches of the historic highway that was the
main stream for traffic in the 1950s. Sometimes rugged, deserted,
and little maintained, the highway traverses a beautiful part of the
country with museums, old gas stations, and souvenir shops along
its way.
Modern traffic of thousands of cars and trucks speed along on I-44
and I-40 that parallel Route 66 in the West. Some wander off the
Interstate to see how it was in the 1950s and 1960s. Others want to
rediscover the route of their youth.
A preacher, hooker, and detective are all persuaded to save the
“harlot” women of Route 66 who make their money at truck stops
and travel centers near the highway.
A woman’s body is discovered in Polecat Creek outside of Tulsa,
Oklahoma, and soon-to-retire detective Cal Rogers is assigned the
case. He lives in Claremore, Oklahoma, which was also home to
Will Rogers.
Then another woman’s body turns up in a creek farther west. “It’s
not serial until there’re at least three,” Rogers’ friend and associate
Reuben Winters tells him.
Rogers calls the first victim “Rita” so that she has a name and
is not just a wayward, anonymous woman and starts an intense
investigation to find the murderer and have justice for the victims. ««««


Murder on Route 66 is a suspense novel more than a mystery. The main characters are Cal Rogers, depicted on the cover; Marga Rita Wilson, on the cover, and a part time preacher and full time truck driver.
When a woman’s body turns up in a creek near Tulsa and alongside old Route 66, the case is assigned to Rogers who lives in Claremore, Oklahoma. He is to retire at the end of the month because he turns 60. The victim is unknown but is believed to be a prostitute who frequented local truck stops.
More women, also unidentified, begin to turn up missing and then dead. All are deposited face down in creeks near Route 66 in Oklahoma and Texas.
Rogers begins to visit truck stops along the route and finally runs into Marga Rita Wilson, a 22 year old, on line college girl, who says she is doing research for a college paper on Sex on the Highway. She has talked to other “working girls” and plies the harlot trade herself up to a point. No sex—only dirty talking to truck drivers.
Wilson persuades Rogers to take her on as an assistant to catch the murderer of the women. Their journeys take them all the way to California. All the while, Rita is falling for the mature Rogers who is a widower.    

 For inspiration look at Chip Kidd's portfolio »»»

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