Saturday, April 30, 2022

Final Portfolio - Nathanael Baird


First Project

                                                                        Second Project

Currency Project

Tinkercad Sketches

Tinkercad Model

Final Product Development


This is similar to mine except that those display to your arm and mine is just a screen.


Thursday, April 28, 2022

Final Portfolio [Jessica Morrow]


Final Portfolio

by Jessica Morrow

For this Project, we had to design 4 digital paintings that tied together

Made in Photoshop

Pink Collapse

Midnight's Reflection

Mystery's Blood

A Rose's Tears

For this project, we had to design another 4 digital paintings that tied together. However, these could have collage in them

Made in Photoshop

Gun Quiet


The Coins of a Raindrop

Maroon Evergrass

For this project, we had to design our very own currency

Made in Illustrator and Photoshop

Singular Proja Bill (One Proja)

Official Currency of the Proja Empire

Top: Front Side of Bill
Bottom: Back Side of Bill

Pinktu Empire Official Flag 

Icons used for bill design 

For this Final Project, we were required to design a product of our choice, make blueprints for it, make a model for it and finally, make a design for a box and advertising it

Made in Illustrator, Photoshop and Tinkerkad
Drawings made on paper

Product: The AniProjector Stereo

Early Designs/Blueprints

Product Explanation:

I decided to design the AniProjector Stereo

This is a product that allows the user to play music through speakers while projecting an image of their choosing. Using LED lights, the model has three-modes for projecting. 

Mode 1 displays the song or album cover playing from either phone or USB device while playing music

Mode 2 displays an image or GIF, either from the phone or USB device while playing the song. Custom images can be used

Mode 3 displays an image or the current song cover but displays it in a very LED reverse lighting frame

Example (Reverse Frame):

Below are Models made in Tinkerkad of the Product

Model consists of the Projector display screen (made of Fiber glasses and LED), power button, mode buttons, battery insert, phone charging (wireless, iPhone 11 Pro Max maximized size), and logo

Includes Bluetooth

Model View

Top View

Front View

Side View (Logo)

Side View (Battery and USB Port)

Front View (Modes 1-3 and Power Button)

Finally, I had to make a box design for the product.

I decided to use mm (converted form inches) as conversions is much easier in metric

This design was made in illustrator and has both logos, model design, explanation of the product, bar code, and other important pieces to a design

Box Model Design

Additional Content:

Animated GIF
