Monday, February 26, 2018

Almeta- Project 2b

An Enchanted Trigwol. By default, they become enchanted once someone tries to cast a spell. (Spells/curses don't work, they just become more powerful) Once they become enchanted it cannot be undone. They're physiology has changed and can no longer eat offensive squirrels; they have to eat wands & wizard hats.

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Trigwol Jay lives in the Misty Mountains. It's not really a safe creature to bird watch. Bird watching offends it. (It's not a bird. It's a mammal.)It either makes nests out of rocks or use caves they find in the mountains. They eat rodents & offensive squirrels.

Currency Project Update

Make sure you have completed and understand the youtube PEN TOOL demo from TUTVID on the previous post

Click here for the PENTOOL WORKSHEETS»»»»»»»

Objective: Create your own currency. Using illustrator and photoshop make a fictitious currency. Study other form of money to be inspired. It should include detail and custom patterns that your create. Consider the function of money as well as how you can comment on its purpose both visually and conceptually.

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial! ::The Pen Tool::

Some sources of Inspiration


Previous Student Work

(the above image is hand drawn by J.S.G. Boggs)


After reading his bio on wikipedia check out the video below

Link to a video of J.S.G Boggs in action


Click here

Project Two

Project 2

Project 2

Project Two: Creature

Project 2

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Pen Tool tutorial and practice templates

Once you have successfully gone through the video complete the following pen tool templates. Make sure to read the instructions carefully. They are .PDFs but will need to be opened in Adobe Illustrator.
Pen Tool Practice sheets

Project 2 Creature (Toxic Cat)

Animals and objects used: House cat, tree frog (eyes), lizard (mouth), human (teeth), goldfish (top of head and back), grey seal (back foot), coiled garden hose (tail), and hand gun (front paw).

Back story: A common house cat wandered into the toxic waste dump and fell into a vat of nuclear sludge. Its body combined with other animals corpses and objects that fell into the vat. It now haunts the dump like a large furry ghost, looking for pets and scratches under its terrifying chin.