Below are the guidelines provided from my contact at the Imagination Library. We will be completing 2 posters one primarily using ILLUSTRATOR (vector) and one primarily using PHOTOSHOP (raster). The posters should be 11x17 and print quality (300dpi). Make sure that you do not use any material that has copyright issues. We will discuss this today.
Same guidance as last time
-- "Free books distributed to Roane County children"
-- Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (with logo)
New this year:
150,000 books (instead of 100,000 last time)
Major sponsors:
United Way (logo attached or readily available clip art)
Pro2Serve (logo attached)
Let's be sure we get the release signature from the designer early on this time so we aren't chasing down the student after the fact. Also, the winning entry will need to be in a format for professional printing. Do you remember what it was last time, or should I research this?
Here are the logos to be included:

Here is a link to some previous posters designed by RSCC students celebrating the 100,00th book distributed
Imagination Library Logo here »»»»»
Some helpful old school poster design info here »»»»
Check Jupiter and Getty images for stock photo ideas but NOT to be used in final designs
Color and Composition are VERY IMPORTANT in this assignment.
Use devices as guides and grids. Consider the golden mean as a tool.